10 Toddler Travel Gear Essentials

Toddler Travel

One thing that is often overlooked is what to pack for your toddler when youโ€™re travelling. You don’t want to pack too much, but you also don’t want to forget anything and then be in a bind.

Below is a list of toddler travel gear essentials that will be life-saving while travelling with a toddler:

1. Backpack

2. Reusable Wet Bags

3. Travel Stroller

Travel Stroller

4. Portable Stroller Fan

5. Lightweight Car Seat

6. Baby Carrier

7. Playpen

8. Toys 


9. Sound Machine

10. Tablet

Hopefully, this list of toddler travel gear essentials helps you better prepare for your next trip with your kiddo. Half the battle of travelling with a toddler is being as fully prepared as possible.ย