Why I Became a Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

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For years my husband has been telling me to become a Virtual Assistant. According to him, it was the โ€˜best jobโ€™ to have where you work online for yourself. Who doesnโ€™t love working online, making their own hours, and having the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world? I thought he was crazy, and wanted a regular, stable job working in the field I studied in school for years. Although it was a good suggestion, it didnโ€™t seem like a plausible idea, and I had heard of no one doing such an odd job as a Virtual Assistant. 

In August of 2020, my daughter was born; she was a beloved COVID-19 baby. I would spend the next 12 months of maternity leave in a small bubble with just her, my hubby, and I at home. Being stuck at home during lockdown truly made me so much more introverted than I was before.

For context, my background is in early childhood education, and prior to my maternity leave I was working as a childcare director. No amount of money could convince me to return to that job. The idea of returning to work outside the home, surrounded by people all much older than me didnโ€™t really excite me too much. Donโ€™t get me wrong, they were nice people and all, but I only worked there for a total of four or so months before I started my maternity leave; I had no real connection or incentive to return there. 

I need a job

By the time my maternity leave of 12 months was coming to an end, I realized I did not want to return to a full-time job outside of the house. COVID-19 was still so rampant across Canada and the idea of returning to work with all the extra rules, staff calling in sick, and sanitizing measures just wasnโ€™t my vibe. I was willing to put our daughter in daycare to help build her immune system, but I for sure didnโ€™t want to be in the childcare setting myself. I needed to find a way to bring in income, and I needed to do it before my maternity leave benefits were over. 

The search continues…

Knowing that tutoring wouldnโ€™t give me enough income to cover my basic expenses, I began to look for full-time administrative work at the same time. The skills I had from previous jobs in customer service, retail, and running a childcare centre were enough to help me find an admin job. 

Virtual Assistant

Taking a leap

Between the Facebook groups, Indeed, and the agency I was able to find my first 3 clients within a month of starting my business. These 3 clients allowed me the flexibility I wanted in work post-maternity leave. I needed something that would allow me to pick up and drop off my daughter from daycare during regular hours – something I would have struggled with if Iโ€™d returned to a regular job in childcare.

Building a business

My determination allowed me to build a business where I work for myself. I work the hours I want, and by doing so I make more money working less than full-time hours. Becoming a Virtual Assistant has allowed me to stay home with our daughter on days when she isnโ€™t feeling well. As a Virtual Assistant, I am able to work from home when Iโ€™m feeling unwell and want to lay in bed. Being a Virtual Assistant has allowed me to work at my own pace early in the morning when my brain is functioning at top performance.

Success by Ness Banner

Being a Virtual Assistant has even allowed me to work from the car on quieter days just to keep my hubby company while he works – we call it carpool co-working – and believe it or not I accomplish more on the road than sitting at a desk and chair at home! The freedom to work where and how I want is extraordinarily rewarding.

2 Responses to “Why I Became a Virtual Assistant”

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    • It’s great news that the information you’ve read has provided you with some insights into the VA world.